Dental Emergency
When you have a dental emergency, it’s important you call and set up an emergency visit as soon as possible.
Here are some simple precautions you can take to avoid accident and injury to the teeth:
- Wear a mouth guard when participating in sports or recreational activities.
- Avoid chewing ice, popcorn kernels and hard candy, all of which can crack a tooth.
- Use scissors, NEVER your teeth, to cut things.
While you are waiting for you dental appointment follow these guidelines to help manage your dental emergency.
- Tooth Pain
- Lost Crown or Filling
- Cracked, Broken or Fractured Tooth
- Missing or Lost Tooth
- Dental Trauma
Do not delay, if you are experiencing a dental emergency please call our office at Hales Corners Office Phone NumberSatula Family Dental Phone Number Satula Family Dental Office Phone Number (414) 425-1510 to set up an appointment.
We Are Here To Help!
Contact us with any questions or to schedule your appointment.